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How To Get Rid Of Hair Strands Stuck Inside A Drain

Do you think a drain stopper is enough to clean hair strands stuck inside a drain? Even if you use one, enough hair will eventually slip inside and slow down your drain. The only way to get it flowing again properly is to break up the hair clumps enough to ensure they pass through. Or, you simply need to pull all the hair strands out of the drain manually. If the drain of your bathtub, shower, or bathroom doesn’t allow wastewater to pass through effectively, then you should recognize hair as the most probable culprit. As soon as you see the signs, you should try one of the following methods suggested by a Plumber in San Diego. You’ll also learn about the tools you need to avoid touching the nasty stuff.

Baking soda, vinegar, and plunging

For this tactic to work, you’ll need dish soap that can stand up to greasy substances, one cup baking soda, one cup vinegar, something you can use to boil water, and a cup plunger. You should start by pouring a bit of dish soap down the drain. Now, immediately after pouring dish soap, drop the baking soda through the drain. You have to make sure that the baking soda actually flows down. It will lead to a chemical reaction that will cause fizzing. Once the fizzing noise dies down, wait for about five minutes. During this time, boil some water. As soon as the water starts boiling, pour it down the drain slowly. The baking soda and vinegar mixture will break up the hair and the water will help it pass through the drain. Now, you can start plunging. Let some water run down the drain and use your plunger the same way you’d use it to remove clogs. For stubborn hair clogging, however, the Plumber Ventura suggests repeating the process a few times.

Use tweezers

Of course, using a plunger isn’t as gross as the next strategy, but it will make it easier for you to pull out the hair clogs more effectively. For this tactic, you’ll need a screwdriver, a pair of rubber gloves, needle-nose pliers, and a flashlight. First of all, you must remove the stopper of the drain. You can do it by prying out the stopper, but if you can’t, use the screwdriver. Utilize this opportunity to clean the drain stopper in your sink. Make sure the hair strands sticking to the stopper don’t fall into another drain. Once you remove the stopper, you’ll find a clear opening in the drain. Use the flashlight to see what’s in there. You’ll probably find a gross clump of hair sticking somewhere inside. Put on the gloves and use the pliers to grab the hairball. If the pliers can’t help you reach it, you can create a makeshift hook using a clothes hanger. After removing the hair, run a bit of hot water down the drain before replacing the stopper. In doing so, you’ll learn whether everything’s in perfect order or not.

Zip-it tool

Do you know what a zip-it tool is? It’s a long and flexible barbed stick made of plastic. Manufacturers design it for drain cleaning purposes only. The best Plumber San Diego says it’s one of the best tools you can use to remove hair clogging your drains. They’re inexpensive, disposable, reusable and available in almost every hardware store in your neighborhood. When it comes to using a zip-it tool, you just have to insert the barbed section down into the drain. As soon as you pull it out, the zip-it tool’s barbs will catch the hair strands and pull them back out.

Final words

Apart from all the ideas elucidated above, you may consider removing the entire drain. However, the process is highly complicated. If you don’t get results from any of the strategies described here, you may need to resort to this final technique, and you’ll need the services of a Plumber in Ventura. So, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a professional.

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